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003 家族・教育・学校  2001年10月14日記述| 目次へ戻る |

 アイオワの友人スティーブは、アイオワ州の州都デモインの公立リンカン高校の世界史・経済の教師です。ところが、彼は、3年前から、アイオワ州に99ある郡のうちのひとつ、 Polk郡(州都デモインを含む)のSouthEast 教育行政区の the school board の委員に選ばれています。the school board について彼の説明を原文のまま掲載すると次のようになります。

 These are unpaid position but make the major decision in the school district. They set graduation requirement, set the curiculum or any change in it, approve spending funds, hear complains, decide on expultions for the school for descipline problems.



 The position on the schoolboard is very interesting and requires much time. We have two meetings a month and athird meeting for a training session. Each meeting has a packet the size of a large phone book that must be read to prepare for the meeting.
 Mary thinks I am crazy  for wanting a job that takes so much time and doesn't pay a salary but is volunteered.  We have expelled a dozen students from school for various discipline problems.


We have no school today, Thursday, I will use the time this morning to visit elementary building as part of my school board position. Yesterday before conferences (started at noon) I visited 4 elementary schools. I will visit the remaining 3 elementary buildings i the school district this morning. During the spring conferences next semester I will visit the secondary buildings. It is a combiation good well visit and an observation of strengths and weakeness in each building. I visit classrooms seeing how they are equipped, class size, visit with teachers, and students, inquire about special programs (reading and math), and listen. All board members are encouraged to make these visits. There is a regular monthly schedule for building visits but it is duing the schoolday and I am unable to attend the group visits.


 We voted for the President, Senators, Congressman, judges, sheriffs, and many minor positions. I was elected to the trusteeship of Clay township.(the area were we live) . I wil lwork with 2 other people to settle fence disputes among farmers, set the tax  rate for fireprotection in the rural areas, and maintain the cemeterys. Mary was not excited about this position it is similiar to the school board position as it is volunteer, a non paid position. I am sorry to hear about your ankle injury.
 これを読むと、彼は教育委員以外にも、trusteeship という役にも選ばれています。

school board の中の、president に選ばれました。つまり、教育委員長です。
  The school board president runs the monthly meetings, and is the chairman of the monthly meetings. My signature is used for official documents signed by the school board.

 The reason I wanted the position was the board president passes out the diplomas at graduation. I will be able to give Hillary her high school diploma at her graduation.



 I have been a great believer in the Close Up program's philosophy of better understanding through personal exchanges. I was very lucky to find someone as curious as myself. Our goal has been to establish lasting ties through which we can ask questions and exchange ideas and information. It will soon be ten years since we met in Des Moines and Gifu, it seems like yesterday in my memory.
 We have used this experience to enrich our students. Increasing understanding and removing misconceptions has been a major benefit of the program. I continue to tell myself someday I will return. My family has also benefited as an exchange of two people has joined two families. Many times I have said," My best friend live on the other side of the world." Through this exchange I have been in contact with other Japanese teachers and have met Japanese foreign exchange students who have come to Iowa.

 2000年秋、スティーブの農場「Preirie Rose Farm」(右上はその紋章)の干し草刈りの光景。正確には刈り取って干した草をトラクターに付けた装置で「rake」して、「bale」(ベイル、干し草を固めた直方体)を作る作業。自家用にする以外は、baleを売りに出します。1baleは$2.50(2ドル50セント)の値段です。但し、00年から01年にかけての冬は、雪に覆われた日数が99日という記録的な降雪と寒さのため、干し草不足になりました。

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